Traditional Swedish recipes
Explore the best of Swedish cuisine with my collection of authentic and delicious recipes. From classic dishes like Jansson's temptation and pickled herring to sweet treats like cinnamon buns and kladdkaka-sticky chocolate cake, my Swedish recipe collection has something for every taste.
My recipes are carefully curated and tested to ensure the best results every time. Easy-to-follow instructions make cooking Swedish dishes a breeze.
Whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner, the Swedish recipe category is a great place to start. Impress your friends and family with traditional Swedish flavors and aromas, and discover the joy of cooking.
Swedish chicken soup
Are dijon mustard and yellow mustard the same?
What Makes Mustard Spicy?
Sweet hot mustard that stores well
Metric conversion chart
How to eat pickled herring
Vegan Swedish Meatballs
Swedish pressed cucumber-Pressgurka
Lingonberry jam
Traditional Swedish Meatballs-Authentic Nordic Flavor!
Late Summer Plum Cake
Dill Mustard Sauce – Swedish Hovmästarsås
Swedish Mash-Potatismos
Swedish Ginger Thins
Kristyr-Swedish Gingerbread Icing
White wine glögg
Salmon broth
Skagenröra-Swedish shrimp salad
Spinach and feta lasagne
Kladdkaka- Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake
Fresh potato salad with peas
Air Fryer Garlic Asparagus
Swedish potato salad
Jansson´s temptation-Janssons frestelse
Gluten-free Swedish pancakes
Swedish Chocolate Balls-Kokosbollar
Swedish pickled herring-inlagd sill
Swedish mulled wine-rödvins glögg
Swedish rice pudding
Rice a la malta-rice pudding with oranges
Brända mandlar- Swedish Candied Almonds
Swedish pancakes
Knäck-Swedish toffee
Brunkål-Swedish brown cabbage
Scandinavian Gingerbread spice mix
Risgrynsgröt-Swedish rice porridge
Rödkål-Swedish Braised Red Cabbage
Swedish blueberry pie
Swedish Brownies
Vegan Swedish pancakes
Oatmeal crepes
Vegan Swedish sandwich cake-smörgåstårta